Welcome to K-Ground
Lab to market global platform which supports innovative
R&D to become global unicorns.
We are creative people making incredible things.
The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.
– Vince Lombardi
Recent News
The latest news and events from the K-Ground team.
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2022년 10월 6일
관련기사 보기(세계일보) https://www.segye.com/newsView/20220621522032?OutUrl=naver
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2022년 5월 3일
관련기사 링크 (아시아경제 뉴스) : https://view.asiae.co.kr/article/2022050308560943152
케이그라운드벤처스, 산소기술기업 엔에프에 특허기반 투자
2022년 5월 3일
관련기사 링크 (파이낸셜 뉴스) : https://www.fnnews.com/news/202203221124170810